To be called the fourth pillar of democracy, the mirror of the society, the voice of the weak, the system of making the society aware (media) is failing to save its existence today.
After independence from the British, India became a democratic nation, which has three pillars.
1- Legislature.
2- Executive.
The foundation of these three pillars was laid by the framers of the Constitution in the very beginning.
Legislature:- Legislature does the work of making laws for the country.
Executive :- Implements the laws made by the legislature.
Judiciary: - Interprets the law enforced by the executive and ensures the implementation of the law as well as punishes the violators.
But when the democracy standing on the above three pillars appeared to be faltering, at that time the nationalists and well wishers of democracy gave the title of fourth pillar of democracy to the media.  (Because the smell of corruption, dictatorship and carelessness started coming from all the three elements).
Because media is such a mirror that along with showing people their real face, it also spreads their functioning. Good people are happy to see their face in the mirror of the media and guard the mirror in the desire to see their clean image from time to time. On the other hand, seeing their dirty and ugly picture in the same mirror, the evil, corrupt, dictatorial system tries to break this mirror.
Anyway, the three pillars of democracy have financial shield, legal shield, and the shield of administrative powers for their protection.
But the sad thing is that the fourth pillar of democracy (media) does not have any shield or power except the sympathy of the social workers with pure image.The media has to do its work on its own strength. That is why the All Media Press Association has included social workers of pure image along with the media in its family.
My dear
Respected journalist colleagues.
Most respected social worker friends.
Think a little!
The journalist world, which is called the fourth pillar of democracy in India, is struggling to save its existence today.
In order to provide justice to others, the journalist, who has made the society aware by exposing the corrupt and domineering mafia, is forced to wander on his own.
The journalist who saved others from false cases is getting entangled in false cases against himself.
The journalist who saved the society from the conspiracy by uncovering the criminal conspiracy is himself becoming a victim of the conspiracy.
The journalist who saved the sister daughters of others is being proved today incapable of protecting his own sister daughters.
The journalist who warns of the touts, today himself has started being called a broker.
The journalist, who teaches the lesson of unity and integrity to others, has started to isolate himself.
Only the journalist who stopped the killings of others with his intelligence is being murdered.
Do you know who is responsible for all these incidents?
Journalist himself!
Yes, Journalists,

Because! While doing good to others, the journalist today has become so engrossed in social service and philanthropy that he has forgotten himself.
While teaching the lesson of solidarity to others, the journalist himself has been divided into small-big, print-electronic, weekly-monthly-daily, regional-national, bureau-editor, local-district and tehsil in-charge etc.  While the work is the same for all! Philanthropy, Journalism, Social Service.
As you know, the British government established its power in India by dividing the differences between us Indians by telling the distinction of communalism, religion-caste, black and white.
And made us his slaves.
In the same way, today the corrupt, goonda-mafia, anti-social people are weakening us by taking advantage of the differences between us journalists.
The journalist itself is being used against the journalist.
Wake up my dear journalist colleagues!
Beware of the conspiracies of the corrupt, goonda-mafia!
There is still time, get organized, get to know yourself!
You are the one who made the people hiding in a small town or village the hero of the world.
Remember think your power!
We are the same journalists who made Narendra Modi, the tea seller of Gujarat, the Prime Minister of the country.
We are the same journalists who made Baba Ramdev a yoga guru, who fled in Delhi's Ramlila Maidan wearing women's clothes in fear of the police.
Do you know how many rapes happen in the country? whose reports are not even written. But those who raped Damini of Delhi were hanged.
We are the same journalists.
Do not know how many conspirators were exposed and imprisoned them.
However, many organizations have been formed to help all of us journalists. And almost all those organizations are also working on journalistic interests. But we journalists are still not able to wake up.
Friends, if even now we have not been able to unite by recognizing our strengths!
So understand, only the custodians of the country will sell the country.
 The corrupt will be successful in their conspiracies.
Let us all unite together.
Move the country forward.
Because we are journalists.
Your own organization trying to unite you all -
All Media Press Association
Welcomes you.
Note- If any journalist or social worker is being threatened by corrupt or anti-social elements or any conspiracy is being done, then immediately inform us. We will be with you in your fight. Don't feel lonely anymore.
All Media Press Association, the joint family of journalists and social workers is always with you.
Your well-wisher
Mukesh Kumar Kushwaha
National President
All Media Press Association  (INDIA)